Auspicious Senses

Posted by Francesca Gagliano on Thursday, August 17, 2017
Shubh Krt picked us up in Chicago's Loop near the Picasso sculpture. He pulled up in a car and inside he had colorful, dangling trim pinned along his ceiling perimeter. A green buddha hung from the rear view mirror. Bright, shiny ornamental pillows, thin for sitting on, rested in the backseat. I felt a calm excitement entering this space.

I introduced my husband and myself to Shubh Krt and asked him his name. Shubh said his name means "auspicious" in hindi-and Krt, "the senses." He talked quite a bit about humans having balanced senses and animals having a prominent one. He talked of goodness, passion, happiness and ignorance. Ignorance is no knowledge, he said. He spoke of the self and the body, of consciousness and becoming enlightened. I have written in my notebook, him saying something about fishing and Hunger versus Greed. He spoke about people's needs and feelings.

Once SubhKrt dropped us at our destination, I felt an urge to give him a gift. Because my notebook was open, in lap, I turned to my favorite sketch and carefully ripped it out. It was done over two pages, which i placed one on top of the other and handed it to him. SubhKrt began chuckling at the writing on one of the backsides. Words from a non-violent communication class about how people don't like to be given advice without asking for it first. I laugh while writing this, because I did ask Subhkrt for his advice. I told him I enjoyed his perspective and enjoyed learning from him.

The sketch that now resides with Subhkrt is a sketch of a home in Ellsworth, MI that I completed over Memorial Day, in person, sitting on a mossy floor. Little did I know at that time that I'd be sitting on a silk pillow in Chicago giving the sketch away.


The lesson I learned most from Suhbkrt is to practice focusing on each of the senses to truly appreciate them.
I believe I gave the sketch to Subhkrt for three reasons: 1) to contribute knowledge to the school Subhkrt created in his vehicle; 2. to offer a mutual exchange of discovery, and 3) to help Subhkrt connect to nature while living and working in an urban environment.

Tags: ""pure michigan"" art sketch artwork sketchbook ""up north"" ""tiny home"" tree trees forest nature lake 

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