Showing Tag: " artwork" (Show all posts)

7th Annual Venus Rising Show - 2019

Posted by Francesca Gagliano on Saturday, May 25, 2019,
I'm going to be updating my blog more often. This past year has been about learning how to use my voice and the blog is going to support this gift.

Venus Rising is an all women show produced by Fancy Pants Entertainment. In the producer's words, "The goal of this event is to raise community awareness to all of the amazing female artists that are in the Southeast Michigan area, and honor all of the different types of art media that these women use to pursue their artistic ambitions and careers...
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Auspicious Senses

Posted by Francesca Gagliano on Thursday, August 17, 2017,
Shubh Krt picked us up in Chicago's Loop near the Picasso sculpture. He pulled up in a car and inside he had colorful, dangling trim pinned along his ceiling perimeter. A green buddha hung from the rear view mirror. Bright, shiny ornamental pillows, thin for sitting on, rested in the backseat. I felt a calm excitement entering this space.

I introduced my husband and myself to Shubh Krt and asked him his name. Shubh said his name means "auspicious" in hindi-and Krt, "the senses." He talked qui...
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Some Things in Life Cannot be Fixed. They can Only be Carried.

Posted by Francesca Gagliano on Sunday, February 5, 2017,

This painting I have been working on most recently and only just today (February 5, 2017) finished is about moving on by accepting what is and carrying it with you. Through this acceptance comes the growth that we resist in the beginning but ultimately come to crave. The piece was commissioned by a woman named Dana who lost her fiance one year ago and who had lost her father as a young woman of 21. She had originally wanted a tattoo to commemorate them- two birds, a cardinal and a bluejay-car...

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Photos from "Spellbound" at Tangent Gallery

Posted by Francesca Gagliano on Monday, February 1, 2016,
Spellbound Photo Album

"Spellbound," is a show about magic coordinated by Breaking Borders at Tangent Gallery. My piece "Lovely Cafe: Book of Wishes" was exhibited. Check out the album to see my favorite works at the show. 

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Chicago ARC Gallery "I Can't Breathe"

Posted by Francesca Gagliano on Sunday, November 15, 2015,
I Can't Breathe
ARC Gallery
2156 N. Damen
Chicago, IL 

Opening Reception
December 4, 2015

November 25, 2015 - December 19, 2015

From ARC's Website
In November/December 2015, ARC will present “I CAN’T BREATHE”, juried by Mary Patten and Romi Crawford, PhD.

Having endured a year in which video after video has appeared, showing shocking violence by police against unarmed citizens, ARC wants to begin a conversation about these events. The videos have forced all of us to ad...

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